(Salsabil – Yarmouk)

Since the assumption by the professor, the head of the institute, the president of the institute recommended his Excellency to pay attention to research vessels, and work began to renew and develop them in order to keep pace with scientific progress, and the full and periodic maintenance of the ship Salsabil began and was as follows:

  • The crew of the two ships was formed at the highest level of specialization and was chosen by the naval forces
  • A communications network has been established at the highest level
  • A complete fire network was established for all sectors of the ship with high quality according to the specifications
  • The ship’s electricity network was renewed and replaced, and what was needed was changed according to marine specifications
  • The efficiency of the winches has been raised and the damaged wheels changed so that they can do their work
  • The efficiency of navigational devices was raised, periodic maintenance was carried out, and it was tested
  • The efficiency of the people’s subsistence has been fully raised and given a decent shape
  • The efficiency of the personnel was raised in terms of upholstery and installation of air conditioning
  • The plumbing toilets have been fully maintained and the necessary changes have been made
  • One air conditioner with a capacity of 3 HP was installed in the individuals room under the sea
  • Two refrigerators were repaired and shipped in the two ships, and the necessary changes were made
  • A whole ship’s surveillance camera unit has been installed to control any violations
  • A complete sweep was performed below the water line to remove the fouling accumulated on the hull
  • A rear drum was manufactured for the work of the scientific and research equipment for the Doctors
  • Anti-slip rubber has been installed in order to preserve the wood from corrosion and to secure the researchers and staff
  • All fishing nets were repaired and the damaged ones were replaced
  • Wireless licenses for navigational devices, as well as navigation licenses and their inspections, as well as military coordination have been finalized in order for ships to sail.