Single-Beam System

MGD provides dual frequency single beam echo-sounders capable of both shallow and deep water operations. The echo-sounders measure the water depth along the vessel’s track, then the recorded data accurately processed by our highly experienced data processing team and represented in the form of contour maps, 2D and 3D models for the survey area.


Seabed Classification

MGD uses QTC [Quester Tangent Corporation] system combined with single beam echo-sounder which provides a sea-bed classification based on the characteristics of acoustic responses redirected back to the  transducer. This backscatter is influenced by features of the seabed and immediate subsurface, and sea-bed characteristics maps can be obtained.


Multi-Beam System

MGD provides full coverage, high resolution multi-beam system that offers seafloor coverage in excess of 900 meters. The multi-beam system maps the seafloor by a fan of narrow acoustic beams, thus providing 100% coverage of the bottom.

It provides seabed contour maps, more detailed than those obtained by using single beam echo-sounder, it also offers high detailed bathymetric charts and 3D models for the survey area, which makes it suited for surveying in areas of extreme sedimentations like for river and port authorities, research institutes and onshore survey operations.
