vol-16The Distribution of Chromium, Copper, Cadmium and Lead
in Areas of Multi-Polluting Factors of Alexandria
Mohamed A. Shriadah and Hosny I. Emara
National Institute of Oceanography. Alexandria, Egypt.
Sea water samples were coCUctttffrom ti·!M~ 1lay aM ‘Easurn :J£ar6ourtiwino tfu period from ‘1I(pvtm·
Der 1987 to JanUJJry 1989. ‘!Tu samples we.Te anafyse.tiJor chromium; copper, ca4mium aM f.uu{ usintJ ~tomic
~DsorptionSpe.ctropfwtometer. ‘!Tu concentrations fXJTid asJows; Cr?{p·O.90 UfI.1·1, Cu.OJl·2J.84 UfI.
1·1, cti 0.12·18.60 UfI.1-1 antiPD 0.04·7.76 UfI.1·1. %ainst t.:(ptCtatitm, ‘E{.!M~1lay, a muCtipo{{u.te.tiarea
of ~ria, gave. ge.nera£{yCowermetal uvds (Ct: cti aM p6) than tfu ‘Eastern :Har6our, wfUcli is ttUJin£y
alfeae.ti 6y sewaoe wastes. Concentrations of chromium tiedin.e.ti {in.e.any tfrrOUfJIitm wUfe sa£i.nity range
(5.8J·J9.4 7) of ti·!M~ 1lay, as we{[ as em narrow range (J8.51·J9.10) of tfu DOttom water of tfu ‘Eastern
1far6our. ‘We{[ o’tY!ltnate.ti bottom. waters sfwwe.ti a te.n4ency to concetrate Cu. anti P6 in. ‘E{.!Me;c’Bay anti
only Cu in. tm ‘Eastern :Har6our tIian tm fess o’tY!lenattti Waters.
‘!Tu copper concentrations in tfu ‘Eastern :Har6our aM chromium in ‘E{.!Me.:(1lay are corrtlattti witli o;d.·
tiizabu organic matter (r – 0.57, 0.74 TlSpe.ctive{g),sUfJ9e.stingtliat comp~ may pftzy an important rou
in tiistri6ution of thes« tkments.