Phytoplankton population in relation to hydrographic conditions along the west-coat of Alexandria (Egypt)



Phytoplankton population in relation to hydrographic conditions along the west-coat of Alexandria (Egypt)
Nat iOlliLl Institute of Oceanography and r’isheries,
Alexandria, Egypt.
Quantitative estimation of phytoplankton was carried out
seasonaly along the Mediterranean continental area,
extending western of Alexandria (Egypt), for about 55 km.
Two sectors were selected perpendicular to the shore line
at El-Mex and El-Hammam. The area is subjected to a
constant discharge of Urnum drain water contaminated with
sewage and industrial wastes flowing into El-Mex Bay. Such
water produced a pronounced eutrophication of sea water,
particularly at the inshore of El-Mex and its effect
extended westwards till El-Hammam.
The distribution of phytoplankton in the investigated
area is mainly controlled by the prevailing hydrographic
conditions, including water temperature, salinity and
currents. The phytoplankton peaks were recorded at El-Mex
in February (133,940 Cells Il) and at El-Hammam on October
(670,620 Cells Il). The lowest counts appeared in July and
August at the two sectors respectively, with average of 8310
and 550 Cells Il.
The phytoplankton community included a large number of
species, although few of them (mostly diatoms) formed the
main bulk. Most of the dominant species are temperate,
neritic, marine forms of wide distribution in the
Mediterranean waters. the average annual values of the
standing crop at El-Mex and El-Hamrnam sectors amounted
respectively 34,240 and 19,190 Cells Il.

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