
All vol-5 vol-4 Aquaculture Publications 2021 Fisheries Publications 2021 Marine Environment Publications 2021 vol-9 vol-10 vol-34 vol-7 vol-18 vol-6 vol-17 vol-11 vol-1 vol-22 vol-2 vol-3 vol-27 vol-24 vol-26 vol-25 vol-19 vol-23 vol-28 vol-12 vol-29 Vol-8 vol-32 vol-35 vol-30 vol-37 vol-21 vol-13 vol-20 vol-15 vol-16 vol-36 vol-33 vol-14 vol-31

Impacts of Pollution in Alexandria Harbour By

Impacts of Pollution in Alexandria Harbour By S.G. Saad, G. Abouzid and L.MH. Mittwally High Institute of Public Health (H.I.P.H.) Abstract ~ria ‘Western :}{ar6our is cme of Uu important sea ports in tfu MeaiteTTanean Sea ami Uu faraest in ‘4Jypt. Mon tfum tfaru quarilrs of tfu ‘Eflyptian international commercia! traie is seTT/eaat Uu fuv6our. It […]

Effective Tox(fication of Nontoxic Puffer by Feeding with Live Flatworms By

Effective Tox(fication of Nontoxic Puffer by Feeding with Live Flatworms By AbdAllah E. Aly National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Suez, Red Sea Abstract ‘ToducUfatt tfu mechanisminvo(vd in toi(jfication of puf/tr, a ftding us« was camea out in w”-idl ncmto;Qcspecimens of tfu puf/tr ‘fugu. ruDnpts ru6ripts uur« fd wit”- Hut flasurorms, a utrexfoto)jn· ccmtaininganimal, ana […]

Effect of Pollution on the Abundance of Marine Fouling Organisms By

Effect of Pollution on the Abundance of Marine Fouling Organisms By Ayman Habal and Fouad Abosamra Ph. D Scientific Studies and Research Center Damascus, Syria 1990 Abstract ‘I1ie effects of IoTTUSticpof£u.tants on tfu afJuntlanu, ana fmding seasons of tfu mollusc ‘BanfjaBoul4i tIie crustacean Limnoria ttipuncuua were stuaietf. ‘du DrUaing periotf was not fourni to be […]

~ect of a Domestic Wastes F1lfI.uenton Two Marine Boring Organisms off Lattakia, Syria By

~ect of a Domestic Wastes F1lfI.uenton Two Marine Boring Organisms off Lattakia, Syria By Ayman Habal and Fouad Abosamra Scientific Studies and Research Center. P.O.Box 4470, Damascus, Syria Abstract ’11U iffuts of iomLstic po(£u.tants an uu @un4anu ani 6rwfintJ SUJStmS of tlie mollusc ‘Banfja guu14i ana uu crustacean Limtwria tripunctata were stlUfid. ’11U 6ru4intJ periot! […]

Distribution of Chlorophyll “a” an4 Phosphate in The Waters of Gulf of Aden By

Distribution of Chlorophyll “a” an4 Phosphate in The Waters of Gulf of Aden By A. EI-Sayed and P. Koithara” Marine Science and Resources Research Centre P.o. Box 1231, Tawahi, Labours Island, Aden. Abstract ‘1Juring tfu cruise of 1{,0/.sW in tfu montlis of .PlUfJUStani Octo6er 1986, water sampks were co(£e,ted from a UJtal of 52 stations […]

Distribution and Occurrence of Humic Substances in Lake Edku, Egypt.

Distribution and Occurrence of Humic Substances in Lake Edku, Egypt. By EI-Sayed Mohamed, A. ; Beltagy AIi, I. ; Aboul Naga Wafica, M. and Halim Yossef> National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt Abstract :Humic substanus (:H.s)as Iiumic ana ~ acUIswen tfetermind in tfu suifaa sdimmts of fDkl ‘EIlf&. fEoypt}. ‘ITuir sources, aistri6ution as […]

A Case Study of Lubrication of Heavy Duty Marine Platform in Mediterranean Environmental Conditions

A Case Study of Lubrication of Heavy Duty Marine Platform in Mediterranean Environmental Conditions ay M. Teyari, M. Busaiffi, I. Ahmed, A. Hassan and M.L. Mehta Petroleum Research Centre. P.O.Box 6431. Tripoli. Libya Abstract JIl stu4y uf fuDricatiun of win ropes uf /itavy auty marine p{atform usea in ‘Meaiterranum trwiTon7tUntai conaition.s fuu bun performai. ‘Two […]


TIlE BIOLOGY OF LETHRINUS ELONGATUS, VAL. 1830 (TELEOSTS: LETHRINIDAE) IN THE RED SEA. ELHAM A. WASSEF* AND F. BAWAZEER Girls College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. *. To whom correspondence should be addressed. ABSTRACT A thorougll Investigation on the biolosy of longnose enperor Lethrfnus elenaatu. Val. In the Red Sea off Jeddah weters was carried out Age […]