
All vol-5 vol-4 Aquaculture Publications 2021 Fisheries Publications 2021 Marine Environment Publications 2021 vol-9 vol-10 vol-34 vol-7 vol-18 vol-6 vol-17 vol-11 vol-1 vol-22 vol-2 vol-3 vol-27 vol-24 vol-26 vol-25 vol-19 vol-23 vol-28 vol-12 vol-29 Vol-8 vol-32 vol-35 vol-30 vol-37 vol-21 vol-13 vol-20 vol-15 vol-16 vol-36 vol-33 vol-14 vol-31

The Distribution of Chromium, Copper, Cadmium and Lead in Areas of Multi-Polluting Factors of Alexandria By

The Distribution of Chromium, Copper, Cadmium and Lead in Areas of Multi-Polluting Factors of Alexandria By ~ Mohamed A. Shriadah and Hosny I. Emara National Institute of Oceanography. Alexandria, Egypt. Abstract Sea water samples were coCUctttffrom ti·!M~ 1lay aM ‘Easurn :J£ar6ourtiwino tfu period from ‘1I(pvtm· Der 1987 to JanUJJry 1989. ‘!Tu samples we.Te anafyse.tiJor chromium; […]

Season Distributionof Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in The Rosetta Estuary of The Nile and TheAdjacent Mediterranean Waters By

Season Distributionof Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in The Rosetta Estuary of The Nile and TheAdjacent Mediterranean Waters By Massoud A.H. Saad1 , Th.H. Mahmoud1 and E.M. Hassan1 Abstract ‘Ifu ~ettil estaury of tfu 9{j£e, a coastal plain. type estuary, is isofatui from tfu ~ettil5randi 6y ‘Etijina ‘Bam18e wfUdl coturols tfu 9{j£e water tiiscfr.mae into […]

Petroleum Hydrocarbon Levels Near Offshore Water qf Libya By

Petroleum Hydrocarbon Levels Near Offshore Water qf Libya By A.K. Hinsbery, A.L. Bagbdadi & N.S. Kumar Petroleum Research Centre. P.O. Box 6431, Tripoli, Libya. Abstract PetTofeum fiytfrocarDon fevefs in tfu offtfiure area cif LiDya Dun tUtuminu! tfuring tfu yUJTS1986 19896y sputrcifLummuteyr. ‘I1it. concentrations range4 from 4.1 to 77.6 ug/1. ‘I1it. oDserou! aata Were ~~’-‘witfi […]

Observations on the Status of the Creek Waters of the United Arab Emirates. l-Nutrients By

Observations on the Status of the Creek Waters of the United Arab Emirates. l-Nutrients By Ahmed H. Abu-Hilal, Rashid A. Al Qasimi and Ahmed A.B.Adam The Desert and Marine Environment Research Centre, United Arab Emirates University P.O.Box 17777 – Al Ain, United Arab Emirates Abstract ‘Water samples wen coC£ectd from 42 sampUng sites incUufing a£(seven […]

Nutrient and Chlorophyll at Kalt Bey Region (Alexandria) By

Nutrient and Chlorophyll at Kalt Bey Region (Alexandria) By Rarnzy B. Nessim and Fatma A. Zaghloul National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alex, Egypt. Abstract .si mont/J{y coUution of surface atuf 6ottom water sampfu at stlutd nine stations repruentintJ tfu polfutd 1(pit ‘Bey area an4 SWT0un4inB tfu main sewage pipefinu, was carrid out t!uring ~UJlUSt […]

Manganese, Iron, Coblt, Nickel and Zinc in the Eastern Harbour and EI-Mex Bay Waters, (Alexandria) By

Manganese, Iron, Coblt, Nickel and Zinc in the Eastern Harbour and EI-Mex Bay Waters, (Alexandria) By Hosny I. Emara and M. A. Shriadah National Institute of Oceanography, Alexandria. Egypt. Abstract ‘I1ie concentrations of matIfIanese, iron, co6ait, nid:# ana fuwe 6un aeterminea 6y atomic absorp· tion sptctropliotometry on 97 sea-waur sample from 8 stations in […]

Kinetics of Calcite Over Growth Precipitation By

Kinetics of Calcite Over Growth Precipitation By Ahmed L Rushdi Department of Oceanography, Faculty of Science. Sana’a University, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen Abstract ‘I1ie t/fects of iifferent TTIlJ1I61tLfWm·to·CIlfci.uconcenmuum. .m ratios ani tfu 4Jru of satuTatUm ill artificial seawater {J1l5’WJ upon tfie kinetics of calcium. car60nate solU ovewO’UJtIi.nave wen inflestiaautl. Tt is shoum. tfu mechanlsm […]

Interaction of Sedimentary Su(fides with Sea Water By

Interaction of Sedimentary Su(fides with Sea Water By Mustafa O. Moammar” Abstract Syntfutic an4 natural ferrospfuJkriU partic.ks, usd in &etic oi(jJltUionaruf fr.ylrolysis stwCw in Sell UOIJ· UT, ihvtfopd ih1lSe, crystafline coatinBs c.onsistiTlflof oraud an4 ferrimatJrutic •.. {7’e, ZnJ 00′.Jl ‘DIu to tfu [ormatio« of tfais TUJetirltaiffusitm 6arrier, e~ rJuJu of z,t+ into solution aecreases rapitflg, […]