vol-16Nutrient and Chlorophyll at Kalt Bey Region
Rarnzy B. Nessim and Fatma A. Zaghloul
National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alex, Egypt.
.si mont/J{y coUution of surface atuf 6ottom water sampfu at stlutd nine stations repruentintJ tfu polfutd 1(pit ‘Bey area an4 SWT0un4inB tfu main sewage pipefinu, was carrid out t!uring ~UJlUSt 1987 – ~u·
BUSt, 1988. ‘Determination of nutrient content; nitrate, nitrite, amnumia, t!isso£vetl inorganic pliospfuJte an4
sillicate as wt1£ as cfi{q,-opfJy{£utimation were tlone. ‘I1iespatial an4 umporal fItlriations, nutrient ratios atuf
its correlation. witr.. cfi{q,-opfly([·awere tlescribetl.
‘I1iesurface water near tfr.e sewer openinBs isgeneraffy enric”-etlwiu.. nutrient from aU.ocfr.t”-onousoritJin,
tfr.eoalues untl to t!ecrease seawartls or t!UU/nwartls.
‘I1ie cafcuiluetl P : ‘.It(: Si average ratio of 1:9:6 t!tfliatu mar6tlfy 6efow tfu normal ouanic ratio. ?{Jar
tfr.eoutja([ openings tfu «. P ratio untis to increase (17·27), int!icating tfr-atpfwspfumu couftl6e critical
tfr-annitrogen for pflytop£an~ growtn. ~way from tfu ou.tja([ tfu rtiation is Teversui.
CMoropfly([-a, -6 an4 -c swetl ratios of 1:1.4:2J. ‘I1ieirpeak! were tfetecUt! t!uring wann. SeptemPer 6eing 15.15,19.28, 48.46 TTIIJ/~’ respectivefy.
Positive correlations were cafcufiltetl 6et’UJeencfi{q,-opfly([-a ana eacfl of, ]XIf-value, phosphorus ant! siUicau wfiik salinity ant! water transparency swetl TltfJative com£ation coeJfoimts.