vol-36Mothocya Taurıca (Czernıavsky, 1868) Female Redescrıptıon
Parasıtızıng on Alosa Fallax from the Black Sea
Coasts of Turkey
Ahmet Öktener1
, Hatice Torcu-Koç2
, Zeliha Erdoğan2 and Jean-Paul Trilles3
Istanbul Provencial Directorate of Agriculture, Directorate of Control, Kumkapı Fish Auction Hall, Kennedy
street, Kumkapı, 34130, Istanbul, Turkey
2 University of Balıkesir, Faculty of Science and Art, Department of Biology, Çağış Campus, 10145, Balıkesir,
3 UMR 5119 (CNRS-UM2-IFREMER), Équipe Adaptation écophysiologique et ontogenèse, Université de
Montpellier 2, CC. 092, Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier cedex O5, France
Correspondence: Ahmet Öktener: Istanbul Provencial Directorate of Agriculture, Directorate of Control, Kumkapı
Fish Auction Hall, Kennedy street, Kumkapı, 34130, Istanbul, Turkey
Received 19th August 2010, Accepted 5
th October 2010
In the present study, the characteristic features such as mouth parts, pereopods, pleopods of female Mothocya
taurica (Czerniavsky, 1868) (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae) are given based on the drawings of the collected
specimens parasitizing on Alosa fallax (Teleostei: Clupeidae) in the Black Sea Coasts of Turkey.
Keywords: Turkey, Isopoda, female, Mothocya taurica, Alosa fallax