Impacts of Pollution in Alexandria Harbour By



Impacts of Pollution in Alexandria Harbour
S.G. Saad, G. Abouzid and L.MH. Mittwally
High Institute of Public Health (H.I.P.H.)
~ria ‘Western :}{ar6our is cme of Uu important sea ports in tfu MeaiteTTanean Sea ami Uu faraest
in ‘4Jypt. Mon tfum tfaru quarilrs of tfu ‘Eflyptian international commercia! traie is seTT/eaat Uu fuv6our.
It is also tfu reaiflina ana for tfu importea petroftum ana raw matrials for tfu fuafI!J inau.strUs “”‘atea at
Uu outer sfjrts of Uu ~ria rrutropofitian area, resem6fta in tfu iron an4 sted intfu.stry, petrokum re-
[mintJ, fmifiur, rrutal iMu.stry, ttl(Jiks ana a faT]/espectrum of cfumical ana fauna a Caraespectrum of
cfumica! an4 fooa itUlu.strits.
’11U fuv60ur is emptical in shape witfi. a Unatfi. of 7.0 ‘l(j[orruters ana a maxjmum ‘Ulitftfi.of 2.0 kIn.
atptfi. of water varies from 5.5 to 16.0 meters. It occupies an area of I, 962 ;lCTes aiflitfea into tfu inner an4
tfu outer part of tfu fuv60ur witfi. a total ftnotfi. of 9, 875 meters as quays can station a ~m of 62
sFi.ipsat on« time. It also comprises tfu military haroour, tfu of{ ary aooK:..ana tfu tlieaentra!aootls quays,
tfu maritime station an4 aiministation 6ui{{intJs.
Ma/i.mmu{ia canal was aiscfuvaina its water tfi.rouafi.a water CocK:to.. this part of tfu fi.ar6our. ‘1fUs canal
u.sea to 6e a fresfi. water canal 6rancfi.ina from tfu 9{j[e. ‘Due to tfu ~cessive inaustrial po{[u.tion an4 {an4
base sources it receives. it is now a lieavily po{[utea water 60ay. ‘Discfuvgina sucfi. a fuafI!J Coai of oraanics to
tm ailution an4 mVdna witfi. sea water is rtuiur !imitd, contriinues to tlie aeterioration of tm nafligation
water in tfi.isparts of tfu fuvoour. Su.6rrurgd sewage outfaUs are anotlur source of poUution. ’11U tfiscfuvae
of stfllOBe, 6ifoe ware an4 part of tm tanRlrs oaffast water are a£[shipsources of oil ana oroanic po{[u.tants.
‘Io~ts as roaenticUUs, pestici{es, cfi.emi.cafsana sofia wastes [ined their way to tm fuvoour water as resurt of tfuir misfi.anaUn.a ana transport usinO open systems of cargo transfer.
’11U outer haroour from tlie coat quays to tlie petroleum basin, compries tlie fertilizer quays, tim6er
quays, tfu sFi.ipgara an4 grain silos, cemsnt silos ana petroleum separation basi«, ana administration. Dui{{·
9′{poaria cana! witfi. its fatfen tWmestic ana eff{uents poures its water, abou: 9 million. cu.6ic meurs west
to tfi.issutor of tm fuv60ur aaify.
;lctivities as fi.anaina of aooas, construction worKJ, deanino of quays anti oil spilfnge are a£[, aiad
sources of po{[u.tion. In aeneral marine water receives fi.UlJeamoun ts of po{[utea water el(J.edina cuoic meter
tfaify indudintJ inaustriat an4 aomestic wastes.
StuaiLs concernina tm aeocfi.emicai ana tfu fi.yarograpfi.ica{ nature of tm fi.aroour have 6een carrid 6y
suuer {1939}, ‘E{·;lwaiy {1972}, ‘E{·’WalJe{ {1964},’E{·WaRle{ ana’E{Sayea {1978}, ana 1?jfaat {1982}. Circuiatio« patterns in Uu western fuvoour was stuaiea oy farag {1982} WM indicatea that tm principle-current fkna was from insitle to outsitle at tm surface ana 5.0 meter {eve{.;lt tm 10 meur {eve{ tfu current was
reversd. ’11U surface current airection variea oetween soiuheas« ana sou tfi.west airection aurinO winter an4
sprina seasons. ;It 10 m. ftve, tfu current airectiDn vanea oetween tm nortfi. east aurino summer.

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