vol-16Distribution and Occurrence of Humic Substances
in Lake Edku, Egypt.
EI-Sayed Mohamed, A. ; Beltagy AIi, I. ; Aboul Naga Wafica, M. and
Halim Yossef>
National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt
:Humic substanus (:H.s)as Iiumic ana ~ acUIswen tfetermind in tfu suifaa sdimmts of fDkl ‘EIlf&.
fEoypt}. ‘ITuir sources, aistri6ution as Iiumic ani fu£vic acUIsrJariIIbi£ityani 6tfravior an asStSSt4. ‘1TaefDkl
was 8t.qJrapfi.ica{[y subtlivi4uf into eastem, central ana suesur« 6asins. ’11ie central 6asin sfwwea the ftiahest
concentrations of:H.s wliicft is attri6utea to intensive tUvdQPmt.nt of 7tJQCropnytesana to enfwnct4 pnyto.
pUJnKJ,onprimary production. In eastern 6asin, ftian tur6Uity ana water tur6uknce bulnstream from the
arains limit primmy production, wfUk in tfu western basin, water tur6uknce, sanay 6ottom, dt.vatei sal’ini·
ty ana tUcrUlSe in nutrients aut to mVdnB witn seoumur limit tfu growtn of 7tJQCropnytesas wt1£ as the pny.