vol-35Developing indicators for the assessment of sustainability of an
industrial fishery: a case study in the Sultanate of Oman
Hussein S. Al-Masroori* and Shekar Bose**
*Sultan Qaboos University, Department of Marine Science and Fisheries,
P.O. Box 34 Al-Khod, CN 123, Sultanate of Oman,
Email: [email protected]
**Ministry of Fisheries Wealth, Sultanate of Oman
Received 23rd September 2009, Accepted 4th October 2009
With the widespread concern about the state of world fisheries, sustainability in fisheries sector is now high on
both national and international policy agendas. Given the priority and the resulting approach to responsible and effective
decision-making, the demand for an assessment of fisheries sustainability is on the rise. To accomplish this priority task
and meet the growing demand, fisheries managers and decision-makers require appropriate and relevant indicators
related to the core dimensions of sustainability. Using an appropriate sustainable development framework and
considering the particular conditions of a commercial fishery from the Sultanate of Oman, this study has developed some
essential indicators along with their preferred trend to facilitate the assessment of sustainability as well as to determine
the changes in indicator over time. As a part of the recommended process, the selection of assessment framework and a
set of relevant indicators were carried out through a consultation process involving representatives from key stakeholder
groups. It should be noted that for a data poor fishery the development of criteria and indicators is a challenging task.
Notwithstanding, the information provided in this study would help fisheries managers and policy-makers tracking
progress and indicating to what extent strategies and policies contribute to achieving sustainability for the case in hand.
Furthermore, it is hoped that the methodological approach followed in the development of suitable indicators would
serve as a useful guide for other commercial fisheries in the world.
Keywords: Fisheries Indicators, Sustainability, Industrial Fishery, Sultanate of Oman