Deep Sea Shrimp Resources in the South Eastern Mediterranean Waters of Egypt



Deep Sea Shrimp Resources in the South Eastern Mediterranean
Waters of Egypt
Mohamed A. Ibrahim*
, Mohamed W. A. Hasan, Alaa M. M. El-Far,
El-Sayed F. E. Farrag and Mahmoud M. S. Farrag
National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF), Alexandria, Egypt
* Corresponding Author: National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Anfoushy, Alexandria, Egypt.
Email address; [email protected]
Received 30th May 2011, Accepted2th August 2011
The data of four deep-water shrimp trawlers from the Mediterranean waters of Egypt using standard Italian
trawl of 40mm codend was used to evaluate the resources of Aristaeomorpha foliacea and A. antennateus. Results
showed that the average total catch per (five-hours-hauls) is about 62 kg. The by-catch constitutes about 16 – 22% of
the landed catch comprising 21 species, with Merluccius merluccius as the dominant species. Hauls from east off
the Nile Delta give about 33% more by-catch/haul than west. On the contrary, the western water gave about 7%
more shrimp than the eastern one. A. antennatus was found with A. foliacea in 45% of the hauls and never was
found alone. The former contributed about 0 – 14% of the shrimp catch in each haul. Shrimp catch rate is relatively
higher during sunrise and day time operations than those of sunset and night ones. The density of the major species
ranges between 95 and 101 kg/km2
; of which 55 – 74kg/km2
are deep water shrimp. This suggests a good shrimp
potential in the 500–700 m depth stratum. The best prospects for the Egyptian marine fisheries are to introduce more
modern vessels, equipment and fishing methods (e.g. Mid-Water Trawl) and Deep-Water Trawl to add this new
target species to the fishery.
Keywords: Aristeus antennatus, A. foliacea, red shrimp, fisheries, CPUE, CPUA, deep water shrimp, South Eastern
Mediterranean, Egypt.

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