Aquatic pollution and its effects on fish population



Aquatic pollution and its effects on fish population
Khalid M. Abaza
Fisheries Division, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries,
Kayet Bay, Alexandria, Egypt.
E-mail: [email protected]
Received 26th May 2011, Accepted 24th August 2011
It is clear that human-induced changes in the aquatic environment, in particularly pollution, are fundamentally
altering the water chemistry from the shallowest waters to the darkest depths of the deep sea which in turn will have
a great effect on the living communities inhabiting these waters. The aquatic pollution approaching conditions not
seen in many millions of years, and the rate at which this is occurring is unprecedented. For instance Caldeira and
Wickett (2003) stated “Unabated CO2 emissions over the coming centuries may produce changes in ocean pH that
are greater than any experienced in the past 300 million years…..”.
Keywords: Aquatic pollution, toxicity, heavy metals, thermal pollution, acid rain, global warming and Fish.

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