vol-16A Case Study of Lubrication of Heavy Duty Marine
Platform in Mediterranean Environmental Conditions
M. Teyari, M. Busaiffi, I. Ahmed, A. Hassan and M.L. Mehta
Petroleum Research Centre. P.O.Box 6431. Tripoli. Libya
JIl stu4y uf fuDricatiun of win ropes uf /itavy auty marine p{atform usea in ‘Meaiterranum trwiTon7tUntai
conaition.s fuu bun performai. ‘Two aifferent sreases, namely grease JIl ana grease ‘B, have bun stu4ua for
pliysical properties ana tfuir performance. ‘I1ie usea srease JIl was founa to 6e contaminatea with u.ntksiTabk
materials. ‘I1ie contaminants contain zinc ana iron wfU.di confirms tfu flisud observation uf zinc rertlOf/alat
many sites of wire ropes aue to corrosion. grease JIl alone (witfwut bknaing with otfur (u6ricant or foUl)
was founa not suitabk for fuDrication uf /itavy auty marine pfatjonn; in ‘Meaiterranum enoironmmtai conaition.s. Jiowever, grease’B can be usea alone unaer these wntfition.s.